Saturday Morning Juniors

2 Matches in under 2 Hours!

Start Times (Singles Weeks):

- Session 1 - 7.45am arrival for 8.00am start

- Session 2 - 9.45am arrival for 10.00am start

- Session 3 - 11.30am arrival for 11.45am start

Start Times (Doubles Weeks):

- Session 1 - 7.45am arrival for 8.00am start

- Session 2 - 9.45am arrival for 10.00am start

- Players will be allocated a session time, which may change week to week subject to participation numbers, but will be kept the same as much as possible.

- Players who arrive late may only get one match.


- Singles: Best of 2 Short sets - First to 4, Tiebreaker at 3-all, 10pt match tiebreak if 1-set all.

- Doubles Weeks: 4 x regular tiebreak sets


- Doubles in week 5 and week 9 (or the last week of the comp)

- Singles, all other weeks

Finals Week:

- Doubles Matchplay

- Presentation

- FREE sausage sizzle

UTR 4.5+ players please check the Tennis Macarthur UTR page for our Sunday UTR Matchplay (FULL SETS!)

Players are welcome to register for one week and test yourself against other juniors as a casual player for $22 or $132 for the full term.

**Registration Fees**

Players registering for the term competition are required to become members of Tennis Macarthur.

You will receive a prompt to pay online via our Member Portal:

Competition Secretary

MIchael Jackson

Contact Number

0413 632 632


Download Term 2 Fact Sheet

Junior Competition Enquiry

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